Hey! This is a blog For "Victorious" Dan Schneider's new TV series set to premiere March 27 2010. "VictoriousTeam" can also be found on TWITTER @VictoriousTeam. Fans may ask questions to "Team Victorious by commenting on posts on the blog!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Make It Shine Entry Videos

Thanks a lot to everyone who did the challenge! They we're a real joy to watch/listen to. Victorious being a performing arts series and all, made me want to do these challenges that involve acting, singing, and even dancing. So watch the fan's below who did it, and watch out for the next one!


  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v4Xv3X6maXc

  2. The first one...Joey Taucher is definitely the best!!!
